Paladin Training (Quest)

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This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Paladin Training is a side quest available in Act IV, after finishing Zinnia's expedition in the Flurry Mountains. Melody can ask Zinnia about getting further paladin training, and she will send her to look for a mentor to help with her paladin specialization.

This quest is unique as it changes depending on which paladin specialization you picked for Melody, with each one having their own mentor, mission, and skill learned upon completion.

Amorous Paladin Training

The mentor for the Amorous Paladin training is Beverly, back at Higgledy Piggledy's in Greenridge. When talked to, she will explain she doesn't really have any combat abilities to train, but she gets the idea to instead try and improve Melody's love for Allison with a special date to increase her powers.

When starting her training, Melody and Allison will find a picnic table set up for them in the Amber Woods, with magically enchanted romantic moonlight thanks to Claire. What follows is a series of dialogue options and interactions, making this quest mostly one of character development and amusing interactions between characters. In the end, Melody and Allison realize their perfect date is just being with each other, finishing the training.

When completed, Melody will acquire the Spread The Love spell, allowing her to exchange a full Star Power meter for a 60% Star Power boost to an ally. This can be very useful in situations where Melody doesn't need to use her Star Power abilities, and you want to instead let one of your other party members use one of theirs.

Woodland Paladin Training

The mentor for the Woodland Paladin training is Noel, whom you can find in their sanctuary in the Uncanny Valley. Noel will let Melody tag along on an expedition with them and Yasmine to look for some ruins deep in the woods that might hold the secret to clean up the mana radiation of the land. On the way, Melody will have to fight some weak enemies usually found in the Amber Woods by herself, as Noel doesn't have any combat abilities.

On the way, Noel will ask Melody about her choice, and make some snarky comments about it. After a while, the two will come across a clearing, in which they encounter Behemoth Boar from the prologue feeding on the mana of the land. Melody then have to fight it solo, this time being able to defeat it. It is weak to fire, so using the Flame Rod is recommended for this fight. When beat, Melody will drain the mana from it, turning back into a normal boar. As thanks, it shows Melody and Noel the way to the ruins where Yasmine is waiting for them.

The ruins seem to be magic artifacts around a small lake that is surprisingly not affected by the nearby mana radiation, even having normal grass around it. They conclude this might have the key to help purify nature, and even if it might take a long time it is worth giving it a shot. Having helped with all this, Melody gains a greater respect for nature, finishing the training.

When completed, Melody will acquire the Nature Nurture spell, which heals the entire party for an amount equal to Melody's current HP at the cost of 60% Star Power.

Resolute Paladin Training

The mentor for the Resolute Paladin is Holly, found in the lobby of The Guardian's Tower in Greenridge. Speaking with Holly she will ask to test Melody. After agreeing to the trial Holly will say she needs time to prepare and sends Melody to find 3 items that describe the principles of a Paladin. She tells you to come to the training room when you find all three.

  • The First Note is found on the statue of Fortuna. It must be interacted with from the right side.
  • The second note is on Mr. Leone's back, wandering in front of Leone Magic.
  • The third note will be found below, in front of Jodie and Claire's house.

After collecting all three items and returning to the tower, a warp pad can be found in the training room. Entering the warp pad takes you to a boxing ring. The party will face Holly, Lady Province, and Rhett simultaneously, Holly promising to teach Melody a new move if the party can win. Holly will heal the others and attack when there is no need or no one to heal. Province will shield her allies and attack when there are none. Rhett will use strong single target attacks or weak party wide attacks. Once the trio is defated, Rhett and Province will compliment the party on their skill, before Holly interjects exclaiming how awesome everyone is. Holly will teach Melody Resolute Crash and send the party on their way.


In all versions of the quest after completion the party can go to Allison's house, where Melody and Allison can spend a quiet moment together. The two talk about their relationship in private and find peace with their argument at the end of Act III.