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Greenridge at night.png

Greenridge is the largest settlement on the Sapphire Islands, It is a humble town in the beast kingdom, and the home of the novas and their friends.

It also links to several other key locations: to the south is Sapphire Coast, to the west is the Hiking Trail, and the east is Amber Woods.

Notable locations

Diamond Square

The town square near most of the shops, as well as the guardian's tower. It contains a notice board where you can pick up a few sidequests during Act II, as well as a statute of the Goddess of Magic.

A picture of the Guardian's Tower
The Guardian's Tower

The Guardian's Tower

The big tower at the northern end of the town. it serves as the Headquarters for the local paladin brigade.

Picture of the Spellbook shop and the Fortune Teller parlor
Leone Magic Gently Used Spellbooks & Fortune Teller

Leone Magic Gently Used Spellbooks Shop

A store run by Catherine, the daughter of the retired evil wizard Bartholomew. She sells spellbooks which can be equipped in battle. Her daughter Pepper is also in here.

Fortune teller

A fortune telling parlor, where you can get tips of where to go next as well as doing tarot readings for your party.

Picture of Higgledy Piggledy's Diner + Inn
Higgledy Piggledy's Diner + Inn

Higgledy Piggledy's Diner + Inn

The local restaurant and inn, run by Beverly and her brother. They sell various food items which can restore health. Claire works here part time, and some sidequests are found here in Act IV.

Picture of the general store

Item Shoppe

A store run inside an abandoned house by two kids, Sherry and Joy. They sell adventuring gear and potions. The shop opens properly in Act II, though you can still buy some supplies from Rafael near the south entrance to the town during Act I.

Picture of Allison's house
Allison's house

Allison's House

The the single room home of Allison. Her basement serves as an entrance to the first dungeon, and the rest of the underground below Greenridge.

Picture of the library


The local library, looked after by the librarian Mona. Claire have turned one of the meeting rooms here into a base for the Novas guild, much to Mona's dismay.

Picture of Claire and Jodie's house
Claire and Jodie's house

Claire and Jodie's house

The house where Claire and Jodie reside, right next to the library. They each have their own rooms, as well as a common living room.




Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Greenridge is temporary turned into Glitchridge in Act III, as Javis invades and corrupts the town. Glitchridge serves as a dungeon, warping the town into a maze of nonsensical corridors and monster encounters. During the invasion, the novas are tasked with finding anyone left in the town and helping them get out before they are hurt.

You can find the Glitchcraft spellbook during this section, which allows you to cast glitch-based magic with random effects and effectiveness.




  • Allison's house is the only residential building in town without a red roof.
  • Claire and Jodie's house is the only building in town without any sort of plant life on the roof, which is due to Claire blowing it up so often they have to regularly change it. This is also why there is a boarded up hole in their roof.[1]
