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The Main Campaign of SLARPG is split up in 5 main story acts.


Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.


The events leading up to the start of the game's story is explored in an official prologue comic, available on the game's official website. Its written and colored by lead game designer Bobby Schroeder, and drawn by Kyle Smeallie. It shows how the gang got into a guild called The Novas and how Melody and Allison became a couple.


The game begins with a cutscene explaining the basics of the world. The story takes place on the planet of Reverie, where a Goddess of Magic bestowed magic powers to the mortals a thousand years ago. These new powers allowed civilization to grow fast, and magic became a normal part of everyday life along with modern technology. However, some people still want to live the life of an adventurer, both for the excitement and due to still having to deal with the economical hardships of modern life. We then see a overhead shot of the Sapphire Islands, where most of the game will take place.

After this, we meet the couple Melody and Allison for the first time, as they traverse into the woods at night looking for their friend Claire. She has set up some (easily solvable) clues to her location, and when they arrive they plan to do a ritual to give them magic powers with the help of a spellbook Claire found. Before the ritual can be performed, however, a Behemoth Boar shows up and attacks, knocking Claire into the woods and engaging Melody and Allison in direct combat.

After almost being defeated, Claire returns and scares the boar away with a fire spell. She explains the boar was probably lured to their locations due to the strength of the magic at hand, before continuing the ritual. While Allison's magic infusion happens very quickly, Melody finds her mind transported to the Astral Plane, an alternate layer of reality created by magic, and have to walk through it to finish the ritual.

After seeing a mysterious shadowy figure, Melody finds herself in front of three doors, each representing three different classes she can choose from: Amorous Paladin, Resolute Paladin, Woodland Paladin. Choosing one of these classes affects Melody's skills and the Paladin Training sidequest but otherwise doesn't have an affect on the main story.

Act I

Several weeks later, Melody is getting ready to start another day. She hasn't seen Allison in a while because she's been busy practicing her magic. Today, however, she is going into town to show Allison what she's learned. She leaves her house, and is blocked by a Humble Hermit. She defeats it, and walks east along the Sapphire Coast. Eventually, she takes a turn to the north and reaches the town of Greenridge, where Allison lives. On the way into town, she meets Rafael, a wolf merchant who is looking to sell some gear after he dropped off supplies for the local Paladin Brigade. Upon arriving in town, Melody meets her friend(and fellow guild member) Jodie Caldwell. They have a brief discussion about Melody's paladin training and Allison, before Melody heads further into town. Melody's search for Allison before eventually leads her to a local hiking trail near a construction site Allison works at. Once Melody reaches the end of the hiking trail, Melody finally finds Allison, who has some mild wounds on her arm. She explains that she found a treasure map made by her mother, and decided to follow it. However, she was jumped by a monster which ran off before she could catch it. Melody heals the wounds on Allison's arm, and Allison is very impressed. Suddenly, a Hole Hound(evidently the monster Allison encountered earlier) appears, and the duo fight it. They are victorious, and Melody comments how strange it is for a monster like that to be so close to town. Allison shrugs it off, saying she sees Hole Hounds digging through her trash at least once a year. The two decide that they should spend some time together, as they haven't done so in a while. They share a kiss, before heading back to town.

Back there, their friend, Beverly invites the two of them to some a dinner date.

Act II


Act IV

Act V


Picture of Melody's house at night, after her and Allison have returned once the adventure is over
Home again after the adventure is over

After defeating God King Javis, Melody and Allison wake up in Queen Verena's place. They can converse with Queen Verena and then upon leaving the place, Melody and Allison regroup with the rest to understand what happened.

Javis, now trapped in a barrier by Queen Verena is unable to move and shows no regret of trying to overtake Reverie. He's then thrown out by Claire and Queen Verena. It's not explained whether he's still alive or not.

Claire, Jodie, Faith decide to go back to their places after the adventure. Queen Verena decides that she needs to get back with her wife Zinnia after so many years and feels bad for leaving her.

Allison and Melody now travel on their own and can go explore Reverie with new post-story dialogue from the NPCs. There's also a small cutscene that plays when visiting Zinnia that shows the two regrouping. There's also another dialogue between Allison and her mother if you visit Allison's house.

Once done exploring, the two return to Melody's house and sleep for the night, thus ending the story.