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This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

The lore section is an accessible menu in Super Lesbian Animal RPG. It explains some context behind the lore and word-building in the game.


"The planet on which Melody and friends live, rich with life and covered with both immense landmasses and vast blue oceans.

The diversity of flora and fauna on Reverie is thanks in part to the innate magic of every living being on the planet.

Reverie has two moons which control the planet's tides and are believed by some to be connected to the use of magic."

Beast Folk

"A diverse race of bipedal creatures common on Reverie, coming in all shapes and sizes. While they can resemble nearly any animal, beast folk are all members of the same species.

The evolutionary explanation for this genetic diversity is still hotly debated by scientists. Some believe they have magical origins, while others say it may have been a form of camouflage."


"Every living thing on Reverie produces an energy known as mana. With enough focus and the right techniques, this energy can be harnessed to cheat the laws of reality. This is commonly referred to as 'magic.'

Almost everyone uses at least a little magic for day to day purposes, such as using their fingertips as lighters or casting a spell to locate their keys. However, some people, such as witches and wizards, devote their entire lives to training their bodies and minds to use more powerful magic."


This humble town is the largest settlement on the Sapphire Islands with a population of a couple thousand people - primarily beast folk, due to its proximity to the Beast Kingdom mainland.

The town as we know it today was founded centuries ago by a coven of witches who believed Fortuna, the Goddess of Magic had personally blessed the islands.

The Amber Woods

A scenic national park located just outside of Greenridge.

The enchanted amber-colored trees that give the park its name retain their hue all year, making it a popular sightseeing destination, especially for couples.

Allison took Melody here recently on one of their first dates. (There were fewer monsters at the time.)

Celestial Wasteland

Once an airborn computational facility operated by the Halcyon Corporation, though it now lies in ruin.

Many years ago, the indentured undead work force became fed up with their inhumane treatment and rebelled, destroying much of the equipment as payback.

As punishment, they were placed in stasis and their memories were erased. The facility crumbled to dust around them as they hibernated, but they were eventually found by Amelia Goleta.

Halcyon's robots continue to wander the desert aimlessly, but the undead now live peacefully in the makeshift town of Mumford.

The Uncanny Valley

A mana-soaked forest to the north of Greenridge, full of dangerous monsters.

According to Yasmine, the Valley's supernatural state was likely caused by an inexplicably massive blast of magical energy many years ago.

At the center is a makeshift animal sanctuary run by Noel, a plant elemental, which also serves as a pit stop for any adventurers exploring the forest.

The Paladin Brigade

The all-in-one emergency response team tasked with handling any magical problems Greenridge faces.

While the Paladins are highly skilled fighters, on an average day they use healing and defensive magic and de-escalation techniques more often than they use their swords.

The Paladins are strictly forbidden from using lethal force on sentient beings.

Town Guardian

The democratically elected leader of the Paladin Brigade, tasked with protecting Greenridge from magical threats.

The Guardian is not the leader of Greenridge, but merely the head of one department working under the mayor.

Currently, the Guardian is Jodie's girlfriend Faith Vincent. At age 24, she's the second youngest Guardian in town history, beaten only by the time the town's youth voted for a toddler as a prank.

Gods: Fortuna

The Goddess of Magic.

1013 years ago, she shared the gods' ability to use magic with the mortals of Reverie, marking the beginning of the modern Arcane Era.

Many spellcasters, including Claire, look up to Fortuna as a personal hero.

Gods: Soleil

The Goddess of the Sun, and one of the most prominent members of the pantheon of gods that rules over Reverie.

Soleil is generally credited with creating the sun. Since the sun is responsible for sustaining most of the life on the planet, this makes her pretty popular.

Star Power

The manifestation of a spellcaster's confidence, used to perform powerful special moves. The party builds Star Power by performing the basic duties of their jobs:                 

  • Melody: Healing spells
  • Allison: Basic attacks
  • Claire: Basic attacks and offensive spells
  • Jodie: Taking damage

Each party member also has additional skills that build Star Power when used, as noted in their descriptions.

Additional Resources/Theories

This is not part of the in-game lore section but is relevant to the game.

Ponett's Retrospring

Fan Timeline