Allison Goleta

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Allison Goleta is the deuteragonist of Super Lesbian Animal RPG. A bold bunny girl, she is Melody's childhood friend and girlfriend and serves as an occasional p.o.v. character at times. She lives in Greenridge's diamond square in a small single room rented house. She is a Punk, serving as the primary physical damage for the party.


Allison is a bold person who likes punk rock and her girlfriend. She likes to tease those around her and is very adventurous. She desires to live up to her mother's reputation, and as such is likely to push into adventure, but often worries that she is in over her head.


Allison and her mother moved to Greenridge, having spent most of her life raised there. She quickly became childhood friends with Melody, often defending her from bullies. She at one point dated Jodie, but the two broke up in the past on good terms, and remain as friends, A few months before the game takes place, she began to date Melody, and began her adventuring career (seen in the Prologue Comic).



Allison has been dating Melody for a few months by the beginning of the story, and have been interested in each other for much longer. They have been lifelong friends. She cares deeply for Melody, and craves for her attention. She is oftentimes worried that she pushes Melody too hard or causes Melody to do things for her that she wouldn't otherwise.


Allison has been friends with Claire ever since she moved to Greenridge. They get along fine, and she joined Claire's adventuring guild out of a desire to become an Adventurer. Allison often gets caught up in Claire's shenanigans, but doesn't seem to hold any grudge for this.


Allison and Jodie originally met online, and dated for a time when Jodie moved to Greenridge. This is long past for them, and neither seem to hold any resentment towards the other. Allison encourages Jodie to put down her walls and allow herself to be vulnerable.


Allison seems to be friends with Faith, but the are not able to interact much anymore due to Faith's responsibilities getting in the way.


Amelia is Allison's mother, who is a famous adventurer. Allison idolizes her to the point where it has become an anxiety for her if she will ever live up to her reputation. They seem to get along well when meeting in person, though that worry Allison has colors their interactions somewhat.


Allison is a Punk, allowing her to do large amount of physical damage to enemies. She works best as DPS with her attacks and gains Star Power by attacking. She has various directional attacks, allowing exploiting specific enemy weaknesses.


  • Kiss MelodyKiss.png:

Allison gives Melody a kiss on the cheek, increasing all of Melody's stats by 15% for 5 turns. This builds Allison's Star Power.

  • Left Jab/Right Jab/Low Kick/High Kick (20% Star Power):

These are each individual skills, dealing damage to a single enemy. Certain enemies are weak or resistant to specific directional attacks.

  • Yoink:

Allison steals an item from an enemy. This can provide various items or gold. This builds Allison's Star Power.

  • Divebomb (40% Star Power):

Does a substantial amount of damage to a single enemy. Never misses.

  • Fan the Flames (40% Star Power):

Does damage to a single foe, with increased damage to enemies that are Burned.

  • Lightning Kicks (30 MP):

Does lightning damage to all enemies. Guaranteed to wake up sleeping enemies.

  • Blast Beat (60% Star Power):

Does substantial damage to a single foe. Allison's strongest attack.

  • Theme Song:

Changes the battle music to Allison's Theme, except in Boss Battles. Builds her Star Power.


  • She is partially based on Rainbow Dash, a main character in Generation 4 of the My Little Pony series and Deuteragonist in Super Lesbian Horse RPG.
  • While not usually shown, Allison has Visible Six-Pack abs.