Melody Amaranth

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Melody Amaranth is the protagonist of Super Lesbian Animal RPG. She is a timid pink transgender fox who lives close to Greenridge in a house in the woods near Sapphire Coast. She serves as the Paladin of the novas, using support and healing abilities to assist her friends in combat.


Melody is somewhat timid, often being shown to have little confidence, especially when it comes to herself. She cares deeply for Allison, her girlfriend and lifelong best friend. She enjoys helping those around her, often through the use of healing, leading to her becoming a Paladin.


Melody was born and raised in Greenridge. She has been friends with Allison, Faith, Beverly since they were children. At 16, she realized she was transgender, getting on HRT, and changing her name shortly after. She orignally intended to not do much after graduating high-school, but realized she had feelings for Allison and wanted to join her in her adventuring career.



Melody has been dating Allison for a few months by the beginning of the story, and have been interested in each other for much longer. They have been lifelong friends. She is rather obsessed with Allison, other characters commenting on it throughout the story.Melody initially became an adventurer to support Allison and cares deeply for her.


Melody has been friends with Claire since she moved to Greenridge. They are not super close, with Claire commenting on how they do not hang out together or confide in each other often. While Melody often has to suffer the consequences of Claire's shenanigans, she still seems to care about her friend even during these times. She joins Claire's Guild to support Allison.


Melody has been friends with Jodie since she moved to Greenridge, and potentially longer online. While the two don't often interact with each other 1 on 1 in game Melody notably seems to compare herself to Jodie often, comparing her abilities and usefulness to her in an unhealthy way.


Melody was childhood friends with Faith, but the two are not able to interact much anymore due to the latter's responsibilities as guardian getting in the way.


Melody is a Paladin, and her skills are mostly healing or support in nature, but she does gain a few offensive spells. She gains Star Power by using support Skills. Melody also has two unique skills on what Paladin Specialization is selected by the player during the prolouge.

Universal Skills

Kiss Allison Kiss.png (Free)

First Aid Firstaid.png (6 MP)

Restores a decent amount of HP to one friend.                                                                                  

Also builds Melody's Star Power.

Second Aid (20MP)

Revive (40% Star Power)

Herbal Cure (15MP)

Mana Drain (20% Star Power)

Dragon's Cure (15MP)

Gust ( 20% Star Power)

Full Revive ( 60% Star Power + 30MP)

Specialization-Specific Skills

Woodland Paladin

Woodland Healing (20% Star Power)

Heals an ally for a small amount of HP for 4 turns.

Nature Nurture (60% star power)

Heals the entire party for an amount equal to Melody's current hp.

Amorous Paladin

Paladin's gift (40% Star Power)

Melody Sacrifices some of her Star Power to restore a decent amount of a friend's MP.

Spread the love (100% Star Power)

Melody gives 60% Star Power to one ally.

Resolute Paladin

Resolute Seal (40% Star Power)

Places a magical seal on an enemy, dealing a bit of damage every 4 turns.

Resolute Crash (60% Star Power)

A strong magic attack that leaves the target afllicted with Resolute Seal for 4 turns afterwards.


  • She is bisexual, ironically making her the only nova who is not a lesbian.
  • While her fur is naturally pink, she has naturally white hair and dyes the tips pink and purple.
  • The triangles on her dress point up because she's a healer so her spells increase HP.
  • She is partially based on Fluttershy, the playable protagonist of Super Lesbian Horse RPG, and Bobby Schroeder, the lead creator of the game.
  • As seen in the opening of act I, She has her own tumblr.