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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Zinnia is the mentor of Faith, and the first mortal on Reverie to be taught magic. She is a dragon who resides in a private home deep within the mountains above the Amber Woods. She was also the first magic teacher of Reverie, along with her wife Verena.

She can breathe fire and shapeshift naturally without the help of magic, something she explains all dragons can do. In game she is only seen in two forms: her full size dragon form, and a smaller beast folk esque form to make it easier to interact with others.


Zinnia is a fairly calm and relaxed person, taking her days easy while still being in good enough shape to stay active. She is very friendly and enjoys entertaining guests, though obviously not getting many visitors due to living in such a remote location. In her younger days she enjoyed teaching magic to others, finding purpose in everyday life through the gifts of knowledge.

She is somewhat of a romantic, and enjoys watching romantic movies for entertainment, possibly due to reminding her of her time with Verena before she was banished by the gods. She seems to be somewhat traumatized by those events, as she doesn't like talking about them, becoming noticeably sad and pensive when the topic comes up.



  • According to Bobby, she is canonically trans and possibly neurodivergent.[1]
  • Due to being alive for over a thousand years, she has attended several different magic academies over the years to freshen up her skills and see what kind of new magic people come up with. When she does, she tends to shapeshift into a giraffe to better blend in.
  • Zinnia is partially inspired by the Final Fantasy character Bahamut, more specifically his role in the first series entry. Both characters are dragons who serve as mentors figures to the party, live in caves, and send the player on a trial for upgraded classes.
