Behemoth Boar

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Behemoth Boar is the first enemy encountered in Super Lesbian Animal RPG, and functions as a tutorial for the basics of combat. It is the only unwinnable fight in the game, as Melody and Allison can barely damage it and are almost KO'd before Claire joins the party mid battle and automatically casts a fire spell, scaring it away.

If Melody has chosen the Woodland Paladin specialization, she encounters the Behemoth Boar once more during Noel's training sidequest. After the battle, Melody casts a spell, returning it back into its normal self.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: A huge monster that's been spotted around Greenridge lately. It's extremely dangerous, and seems to be attracted to sources of magic. You're lucky you managed to scare it off.

Weak to fire.