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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Questkiss.png Main Story

Act I

Questsmolmelody.png A Fresh Start

Melody's life as a paladin begins now.


  1. Head for Greenridge.
  2. Find Allison.
  3. Head back into town.
  4. Find out what Claire's up to.
  5. Complete Claire's Basement Dungeon.
  6. Find an alternate way to the surface.
  7. F! Nd aa wa/ 97g&FO#f o&FO@z @ #OX& O@3 23eo2es.

Act II

Questjodie.png Find Jodie

Locate the missing member of the guild, who ran off to deal with some presumably Javis-related monsters.


  1. Search the Amber Woods for clues. The entrance is east of Diamond Square.
  2. Search the Amber Woods for a way to thaw out Beth the Beast and Mary Ena.
  3. Search the eastern part of the Amber Woods, past the fire lookout tower.
  4. Search the Celestial Wasteland for clues.
  5. Travel with Jodie to Mumford, the town in the center of the Celestial Wasteland.

Questjavis.png Javis's Stronghold

Investigate Javis's presence in the Celestial Wasteland.


  1. Rest at Mumford's inn to recharge for the battles ahead, then talk to Nef.
  2. Stock up on gear if needed, then meet up with Nef in the northwestern corner of the Wasteland.
  3. Infiltrate Javis's base of operations.
  4. Find an ID card to gain access to the meeting area in the Neon Labyrinth.
  5. Clear the Neon Labyrinth and find out what Javis is up to.

Questfaith.png Return to Greenridge

Hurry home to warn Faith about the incoming invasion.


  1. Return to the warp pad to leave the desert.
  2. Find Ipsy in Mumford and see if she can fix the warp pad.
  3. Activate the backup warp pad in the control chamber north of Mumford.
  4. Get to Greenridge before Javis's forces.


Questholly.png Battle of Greenridge

Rescue the civilians trapped in the distorted version of Greenridge and deal with Javis.


  1. Find Beverly at Higgledy Piggledy's
  2. Find Mona at the library
  3. Find the kids at the Item Shop
  4. Find the Leone family at the Magic Shop
  5. Find Faith at the Guardian's Tower.
  6. Enter the Guardian's Tower through the Basement Dungeon.
  7. Halt Javis's summoning at the bottom level of the Guardian's Vault.

Act IV

Questzinnia.png Faith's Mentor

Faith has advised the party to seek some help from her mentor, Zinnia.


  1. Travel to the mysterious locked gate in the mountains, east of the Amber Woods.
  2. Continue through Polychrome Cavern to Zinnia's home.
  3. Speak to Zinnia in her cave.
  4. Speak to Zinnia in her back yard.
  5. Explore the mountains and gather dragon berries.
  6. Investigate the noise to the north.

Questsappho.png Through the Valley

Javis and Verena's main base is atop the tallest mountain on the island. The only way there is through the Uncanny Valley, north of the Amber Woods.


  1. Investigate the Uncanny Valley.

Questverena.png The Final Battle

Once the party is ready, there's only one thing left to do.


  1. Travel north through the Uncanny Valley to reach Javis and Verena's final fortress.
  2. Ascend Mt. Sappho to face Verena.
  3. ???
  4. Speak with Verena.

Questmelody.png Epilogue

The adventure has come to an end.


  1. Optional: Check up on the people you met on your adventures.
  2. Return to Melody's house when you're ready.

Icontreasure.png Side Quests

Questpepper.png Leone Magic

Note: This quest can only be completed if you talk to Catherine in the very beginning in Act I.

Some Spellbooks would definitely come in handy.


  1. Return to Leone Magic when they're open tomorrow and peruse their Spellbooks.
  2. Leone Magic is open now. Head on over and peruse their Spellbooks.

Questnoel.png Noel's Sanctuary

Note: This quest can only be completed if you find Noel earlier in the game.

The party's new plant elemental acquaintance may have some work for them to do.

  1. Once the party is able to travel to the Valley, find Noel in an area north of the river.

Questholly.png Helping Holly

Help Holly post her posters.


  1. Talk to Holly in Greenridge.
  2. Hang a poster near the entrance of the park.
  3. Hang a poster near a major tourist attraction in the park.
  4. Hang a poster near a place where people gather in the park.
  5. Report back to Holly in Greenridge for the reward.

Questpepper.png Pepper's Machinations

Pepper wants help in her quest to take over the world.


  1. Talk to Pepper at Leone Magic.
  2. Retrieve the item of great power from the Amber Woods.
  3. Deliver the knife to Pepper at Leone Magic, or rat her out to her mom.

Questbeverly.png Lunch Rush

Beverly needs Claire's help at work.


  1. Talk to Beverly.

Questfaith.png Beach Day

Jodie wants to help Faith relax with some fun in the sun.


  1. Jodie wants to help Faith relax with some fun in the sun.
  2. Talk to Faith.

Questnef.png The Crypt

Help Nef, Ipsy, and Amelia uncover the truth about the Celestial Wasteland.


  1. Speak to Amelia at the Mumford Inn.
  2. Get the gem from the former location of the Neon Labyrinth in the northwest corner of the desert.
  3. Head to the entrance of The Crypt in the northeast corner of the desert.
  4. Explore The Crypt.

Critter.png Lost Critters

Search the Sapphire Islands for Noel's lost animal friends.


  1. Find 2 critters for a reward.
  2. Find 4 critters for a reward.
  3. Find 6 critters for a reward.
  4. Find 8 critters for a reward.

Questdreamknight.png The Dream Knight

Fawna may have a way to communicate with the mysterious slumbering warrior.


  1. Speak with Fawna in the Astral Plane.

Questmint.png Jodie's Shield

Jodie and Mint want to collaborate on a one-of-a-kind shield.


  1. Find some rare ore somewhere in the world.
  2. Return to Noel's Sanctuary and give Mint the ore.

Questforest.pngQuestamouros.pngQuestresolute.png Paladin Training

Melody needs to find a mentor to aid her Paladin training.

This quest is changes depending on which Paladin specialization you pick for Melody. No matter what it starts with talking to Zinnia after the group is reunited after their mountain expedition, before then being told to talk with one of three trainers:

  • Woodland training is given by Noel
  • Amorous training is given by Beverly
  • Resolute training is given by Holly

Finishing the training will award Melody a unique spell.

Questjavis.png Sons of Javis

Defeat Javis's boys across the Sapphire Islands to claim some powerful rewards.


  1. Defeat Bigby at the Sapphire Coast.
  2. Defeat Clintson in the Celestial Wasteland.
  3. Defeat Killer Ray in the Uncanny Valley.
  4. Defeat Roy in the Amber Woods.