Super Lesbian Animal RPG

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Super Lesbian Animal RPG, (abbreviated as SLARPG) is a role-playing game developed independently by Bobby Schroeder, with additonal character design by Anthony Field, and music by Beatrix Quinn, using the RPG maker VX ace engine. A free demo was released in 2019 that consists of a playable section of Act I. It was fully released on December 20, 2022.

As its title suggests, it features a cast of primarily lesbian or otherwise queer anthropomorphic women, including the main 4 player characters.


Super Lesbian Animal RPG uses a turn-based battle system, with enemies and the player characters taking turns. During the players turn, You can Attack, Use items, Defend, or use various supportive or offensive skills gained mainly from either level-ups or equipping the games various spellbooks.

Most normal skills cost either magic points, starpower, or a combination of the two.


Super Lesbian Animal RPG has received "Overwhelming positive" reviews on steam upon its release, and 4.5 stars on It has also gotten articles on gaming news sites such as PC gamer.
