Jodie Caldwell

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Jodie Caldwell is a Bulwark Knight and Member of the novas. She is a dependable tiger girl who dedicates herself to protecting those around her. She lives in Greenridge as Claire's roommate and is absolutely shredded.


Jodie prides herself in being extremely dependable for those around her. She often hides her emotions or problems as to not worry others, while always trying to be there for them. She can often put up a wall that masks her emotions, giving her a lot of stress and leaves her own emotions unresolved. She cares very deeply for her friends and does anything she can to help them.


Jodie moved to Greenridge from Brightport, and has been friends with many people from there online before then. She dated Allison for a time before the two broke up, and eventually started dating Faith. She founded an adventuring guild with Claire rather than join the Paladin's Brigade to avoid any problems with being in a relationship with her boss, and to keep an eye on Claire. She used to be a blacksmith before she became an adventurer, but hasn't had much time to continue this due to guild work.



Jodie has been friends with Melody since she moved to Greenridge. The two don't directly interact often, but it is clear that they are good friends who get along well.


Jodie and Allison used to date, but broke up a long time ago. There seems to be no hard feelings between them, and the two seem to be good friends now. Jodie understands Allison's sass and can sometimes tease her back, and acts as an emotional support for Allison when Melody is not able.


Jodie is Claire's roommate, as they both moved to Greenridge from Brightport. They get along well, and Jodie goes out of her way to keep Claire's shenanigans in check. Jodie has promised Faith to keep Claire safe and out of trouble. They founded their Guild together, with Jodie protecting Claire.


Jodie and Faith have been dating for quite some time. They are unable to spend very much time together due to Faith's duty as Guardian, but Jodie makes sure that she takes breaks and relaxes. Faith often encourages Jodie to open up to her and let out her emotions. The two fit together well, both actively attempting to help the other balance their own emotions with their responsibilities. Jodie often does the cooking for Faith, who is notoriously bad at it.


Jodie is a Bulwark Knight, allowing her to become the party's tank. Her high HP and defense make her best suited for distracting enemies from attacking others and weakening enemies, but she has the lowest MP of any party member. She gains Star Power from taking damage or casting Barrier.


  • Barrier (5 MP):

Creates a barrier on a single ally, reducing their damage for 5 turns and builds Star Power.

  • Binding Chain (40% Star Power):

Binds a regular enemy (meaning it excludes bosses) in chains for 3 turns. 80% success rate. Chains can break down if the enemy takes damage.

  • Taunt (5 MP):

Distracts the enemies, causing them to target Jodie more often. Lasts five turns. This ability is the core to Jodie's role in combat.

  • Apologize:

Disables the effects of Taunt early.

  • Crack in the Armor (40% Star Power):

Does damage to a single enemy and lowers their defense for 3 turns.

  • Righteous Blow (15 MP):

Damages a single enemy, and never misses. Damage increases as Jodie has more Star Power (but notably does not spend any).

  • Kiss Faith (5 MP):

This ability is unlocked at the start of Act IV when Jodie receives Faith's Amulet. Boosts all of Jodie's stats by 15% for 5 turns. Builds Star Power.

  • Faith's Shield (40% Star Power, 20 MP):

Unlocked by completing the quest Beach Day. Creates a barrier over the whole party, boosting defense and magical defense for 5 turns.

  • Self Care (40% Star Power):

Unlocked by equipping the Knight's Visor, gained in Act IV during the Lost Critters side quest. Heals 50% of Jodie's HP.



  • Jodie was originally going to be a dog. This is referenced in the OST, as one of the bonus tracks is titled "that time jodie was going to be a dog."
  • Unlike Melody Allison and Claire, Jodie was not revealed until 2016.
  • She resembles Applejack from the game Super Lesbian Horse RPG.
  • Jodie used her talents for blacksmithing to forge her grill, which might explain why its one of her most prized possessions.[1]
  • Jodie has 2 unnamed sister, as seen in the picture in her bedroom.[2]
