Sapphire Coast

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The novas at the coast.
Picture of the Sapphire Coast, showing a small island with a lighthouse on it surrounded by beach and sea
The lighthouse on the coast

Sapphire Coast is the southern coastline to the Sapphire Islands. It connects the Mainland with several smaller islands via sandy paths during low tide.

The coast is one of the first areas you visit in Act I as Melody's house is built here, and you have to walk up north to get to Greenridge to meet with Allison, (though a duo of picnicking snails block of the rest of the area.) in Act III, the novas explore more of the coast while trying to get back to Greenridge.

Notable Locations

Melody's House

A picture of Melody's house
Melody's house

Melody lives in a two story house near the beach with her pet cat Shadow. It is located within a small forest clearing and has a little pond behind it. Allison has her own house in Greenridge, but tends to stay over from time to time.


A lighthouse with an astral door on it.

Bill's Shop

Bill have a permanent shop set up here, selling beach equipment. The party can purchase supplies from here, as well as the Tropical Shirt armor.

Refugee Camp

A temporary camp is set up during the events of Act III, east of Melody's house. You can teleport here from the Guardian's Vault to heal and buy supplies during the dungeon.





Unique Items