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Reverie is the planet where most of Super Lesbian Animal RPG takes place. It is a world ruled by various gods, and inhabited by many different types of people and species. It also have two moons, one big and one small.

Most of the game takes place on the Sapphire Islands, where the majority of the population appears to be beast folk, though many other races of people also live there, including orcs, elves, elementals and undead.

A thousand years before the events of SLARPG, a Goddess of Magic appeared and gave the mortals of Reverie the knowledge of how to use magic. This created a new age where civilization evolved exponentially, and magic became a normal part of people's lives. In the current time, magic and technology co-exist in a modern society.


  • Some people have theorized it is a post-apocalyptic Earth due to having many similarities to it and references to things from our real life. However, Bobby claims this was not the intention and is not canon.[1]
  • It is implied that humans are not native to Reverie.
