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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Javis is the main antagonist of Super Lesbian Animal RPG. He is a mysterious villainous wizard who resembles an sentient vhs tape. teaming up with Queen Verena to exploit her power in hopes to take over Reverie.



While most of Javis' past before the events of the game is unknown, he was banished from his world and cast into the realm between universes for reasons untold, though given his actions throughout the game, it's likely that he was kicked out due to conquest. He encountered Verena in the void at some point, grieving the supposed death of her wife and her banishment from her own newfound home. Though Verena had enough magic to warp out, Javis begged for her to take him with. Verena, not wanting to be alone, decided to have him tag along.

However, during this time, Javis had been subtly manipulating Verena, fueling a fantasy where she was a terrifying queen, with everyone under her thrall. While Verena was wary of Javis at this point, through his constant attempts (and failures) of conquest, alongside having no other immortal beings to spend time with, Javis became Verena's second in command.

A few weeks before the events of the game, Javis, alongside Verena, gained notice of the continued magic of Reverie after Claire Higsby used her spellbook to boost the mana of her friends Melody and Allison. The two would immediately start working on a plan to take over.

Just a few days before the start of the main game, Javis had created four sons using his own life essence. All four were trained to be soldiers in the Verena Empire's army, and all four would assist in Javis' impending takeover.

Act I

Javis makes his first appearance proper near the end of Act 1, bea facility underneath the town of Greenridge to prepare for the Verena Empire's impending invasion. Ever so coincidentally, Claire had also made an underground basement to test out the skills of her friends, causing there dungeons to intersect.

After party destroys the Core Guardian of the facility, Javis appears to give the party a stern warning before the place blows up, causing the place to teleport away.

Later that night, Javis and the queen have a discussion about the upcoming project. Aside from the minor setback that the team had made, everything was going to plan. Additionally, it's revealed that he had recruited a local over to their side, further easing their operations.

Within 48 hours, all hell will break loose.

Act II

The next day, Javis went over and corrupted the Celestial Wasteland, a desert island in the sky inhabited by the undead and machinery. He also forcefully reprogrammed the normally peaceful Glyph into an aggressive machine who attacks all Beast Folk on sight. He also caused the feral robots of the wild to become even more aggressive than they already were. Additionally, he and his army have been siphoning mana from the town of Mumford.

Sometime later, Javis was spotted roaming around Amber Woods, seemingly having summoned monsters in the area to terrorize the place. Beth and Mary, two traveling bards fighting for justice, noticed the walking VHS tape and tried to stop him, only for Javis to freeze the duo in a block of ice. After he was finished, he retreated to the Celestial Wasteland.

After cleaning up the mess that Javis caused, the team of Melody, Allison, Claire, and a newly reunited Jodie find Javis' hideout in the Neon Labyrinth after hearing that Javis would be holding a meeting for his recruits. After much exploring, the quartet learn that the facility from both this dungeon and the last were Scramblers, machines used to rewrite reality by breaking it down into its base form, something that is quite obviously deadly.

Afterwards, the team sneaks into the presentation, which Javis is, as promised, holding. He explains to his recruits that Reverie, specifically the Sapphire Isles, are of great interest for his higher up, Queen Verena, for undisclosed reasons. After showing that there are three Scramblers in total, with the one in Greenridge being repaired, as well as expressing much disdain for his past failures, he reveals that Paula had defected to the Verena Empire as hired muscle. Additionally, he reveals that his sons, Bigby, Killer Ray, Clintson, and Roy, are the Empire's new commanding officers.

After introducing his new recruits, he reveals that: A) Claire's spell from the beginning of the game brought the Verena Empire directly to Reverie, B) Javis knows that the Novas had snuck in, and C) Everything that Javis has done in the Celestial Wasteland was a ploy to lure the Novas away from Greenridge, allowing the Reality Scrambler there to be completely rebuilt. After siccing the Gumball Goliath onto the party, Javis, his sons, and Paula teleport away to the now destabilizing Greenridge.


By the time the Novas arrived back home, Javis and his forces had already fully repaired the Reality Scrambler at Greenridge, corrupting it beyond recognition. Afterwards, he sent out his minions to attack what was left, with his sons and Paula joining in. While everyone was busy, Javis spent his time working to summon Queen Verena underneath the Guardian Tower, somehow aware that it's a mana conduit, albeit a somewhat faulty one.

The Novas, joined by local guardian Faith Vincent, decided to make a direct beeline towards the Guardian Tower, but their efforts were stalled as Javis had destroyed the elevators to where in the tower he was. After traversing the maze for a while and a fight with Paula, it's revealed that with all the time the team had to spend by going through the maze, Javis had repaired the conduit and gathered enough mana to summon Queen Verena into Reverie.

Queen Verena reveals herself as the Goddess of Magic the people of Reverie had been worshiping all this time. She, alongside Javis, relocate the empire to the highest mountain on the islands, and gives the people of the islands one week to change her mind about destroying everything. Afterwards, Verena, Javis, and his sons teleport away, awaiting for the Sapphire Isles' strongest warriors.

Act IV

While the Novas were preparing themselves for the oncoming battle, Javis got to work preparing the palace for the Verena Empire. Queen Verena, after waking up from a nap, decides to travel across the Sapphire Isles in an attempt to deal with her trauma, only for Javis to advise against it, knowing that it would bring up bad memories for her.

Still, Queen Verena decided to do so, and after encountering her burnt down magic school, she starts having a breakdown. Javis appears to comfort her, but subtly manipulates Verena further into going along with their plans. The two teleport back to Verena's temporary retreat, working on the plan.

Act V

The novas decide to have a change of plan and talk things out with Verena, believing there might still be some of that benevolent person left in her. By the time the Novas arrive at her corrupted lair in Mt. Sappho, however, Javis stops them, and prevents them from having an audience with the Queen. As they persist, Javis teleports them away into separate cells in order to keep them out of the picture for a little bit.

Fortunately, the group broke out, with the help from the bards that Javis encased in a block of ice earlier. Now fueled with a bit of extra motivation to set things right, they ascend to Queen Verena's throne only to find Javis. Allison confronts the walking VHS, stating that he's only using Verena as an excuse to do as he pleases.

Javis' response? Teleport the entire group into a makeshift game show, with him as its host. Having known about Melody and Allison's fight from earlier in the game, Javis used the game show to try to get under the two's skin and have them fight with one another. However, the two had already worked things out and are now back to being overly sappy to each other, much to Javis' ire. Frustrated, he cancels the show and attacks the party.

Though Javis put up a tough fight, summoning glitched members of the party and temporarily controlling their actions, he is ultimately defeated. Though tired, he tries to continue fighting, only for Paula to interrupt, stating that Verena is waiting for the party at the summit. Frustrated even further, Javis reluctantly leaves.

After the Novas fight, and later on pleasantly chat, with Verena, Javis and Paula make their appearance. While frustrated, the two pretty much remain quiet until Melody brings up that she talked with Zinnia, who Verena assumed had perished many years ago. It's then revealed that Javis had lied about Zinnia's death due to Verena's passion about the conquest, and that he prevented Paula from mentioning Zinnia as well for the same reason. Verena, shocked, frustrated, and overjoyed about these revelations, decides to call off the invasion before teleporting away.

However, now that Verena is out of the picture for at least a brief moment, Javis decides to take the invasion into his own hands. Using the last Scrambler to power himself up, he immediately corrupts the surrounding area before targeting the party. In response, Melody and Allison have Claire use the same spell from the beginning of the game to boost their mana once more, allowing them to defeat the VHS once and for all.

As revealed in the epilogue, after the fight, Javis was imprisoned in a bubble, unable to do anything. Although he begs for Verena to free him, he still shows that he ultimately learnt nothing, and is just looking for conquest. In retaliation, Verena and Claire decide to launch his bubble far away, with his ultimate fate being left a mystery.

Bestiary Description


Mona's Notes: The self-proclaimed Court Mage of the Verena Empire, Javis is the mastermind behind most of what went down this week, having manipulated Claire into summoning his forces to Reverie. His true nature and origins are unknown, but for one reason or another he takes the form of bipedal VHS tape.

While not as powerful as Verena, Javis is easily the craftiest foe you've faced, using the power of the Scrambler to his advantage. On top of powerful beam attacks, corruption, and even the ability to turn the party against each other, he's also able to conjure glitch clones of the party to aid him in combat.

God King Javis

Mona's Notes: With the magical power contained within the final Scrambler, Javis was able to transform himself into an idealized form as a rate-fueled last-ditch effort to destroy Reverie.

The power on display here is overwhelming, with Javis now being able to directly spread corruption on a scale never before seen. But Melody's enhanced purification and Allison's powered up attacks were enough to stem the tide.


  • Javis is a secondary antagonist in Super Lesbian Horse RPG.
  • His dress resembles the colors of the pansexual flag.
  1. God King Javis will be weak to whichever of those attacks corresponds to where his moving floating eye is