Paula Cassidy

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

"Hey, Goleta! Do me a favor and don't kick the bucket before I get the chance to thrash you." -Paula

Paula Cassidy is an major antagonist in Super Lesbian Animal RPG. She is first introduced as a rude co-worker of Allison who gives anybody with magic powers a hard time. Later, she is recruited by Javis as an elite soldier, and clashes with the novas multiple times.


Paula is a pink polar bear, with light blue eyes and a strong physique. She has short hair in the same color of her fur, with pierced ears giving her a punk look. She is usually seen wearing a mix of red and black clothing, at first with her lumberjack clothes and later with her battle armor.


Paula is driven by her ambitions to show what she is worth without the use of magic. Her ideological and political views seem to be based around believing in a Meritocracy, and considers using magic as "cheating your way up the ranks". As such she has a strong work ethic, but very little empathy, caring mostly about herself and only making allies with those she feels will reward her for her natural abilities.

She will often refer to people she doesn't like by their last names, and verbally beat them down with brutal honesty, creating an emotional distance between her and them.

When not working or in battle she seems to enjoy fishing, as she is usually seen sitting next to a body of water with a fishing pole when relaxing. This might suggest she saves her aggression for fights, and mostly focusing on her own comfort when not busy with a task.

Her need for validation for her skills will come over her own well being and her morals however, as she is willing to use magic given to her by Verena to gain the power to defeat Allison.


Paula (boss)

Paula is first fought at the end of Act III, serving as the boss for the Guardian's Vault. She will regularly attack the whole party with her axe, and when at half health will start cursing party members so that they receive damage when casting magic. She can also curse a party member so their health instantly drops to 1HP.

Paula (rematch)

Paula is fought again in the Flurry Mountains by Allison and Jodie. This time she is powered up with mana, allowing her to use fire magic. This fight is cut short, however, as she will pass out from mana poisoning before you can defeat her normally.

Bestiary Description

Paula (boss)

Mona's Notes: Paula, Paula, Paula... So she really did betray us, huh?

Paula Cassidy is a former woodcutter who worked for the same company as Allison. She's always been a skilled fighter, and people really thought she could make something of herself. It's just too bad she chose to make herself Javis's personal attack dog. Or, polar bear.

She definitely doesn't hold anything back in battle, with a mix of single target attacks and spinning axe slashes. Her signature move, 'Death's Door,' leaves the target with just 1 HP. She can even curse your casting to punish your use of magic. She's weak to fire, but it's a tough fight either way.

Paula (rematch)

Mona's Notes: Hungry for revenge and with a new set of fire abilities to back it up, Paula is even more dangerous before in this rematch. And fighting her with half the party certainly doesn't help, either.


  • The rematch fight against her is cut short when she passes out from mana poisoning. However, you can experience the full battle via Zinnia's battle simulator, which she comments on after victory.
  • In the game files, most of Paula's sprites refer to her simply as "bear".
