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"How about you try talking to my face instead

of my armpit?"

-Holly if the player attempts to talk to her sidesways

Holly is one of the paladins protecting Greenridge, and serves as healer of the brigade. Despite her role as healer she is incredibly buff and not afraid to get involved in fights directly.

She puts up a side quest on the note board in Act II, involving helping her put up fliers in Amber Woods advertising an upcoming wrestling match she's setting up.

If Melody talks to her in the Guardian HQ she will give her a second hand staff, which is the iconic staff Melody has in most official promotional art.


  • She is bisexual.[1]
  • According to Anthony about her dancing skills: "holly doesn't dance alone, she might kinda bob a little. when she's dancing with someone else, they're like a pinball and she's the paddles"[1]
  • If you try to talk to her from the side, she will comment on you trying to talk to her armpit. Her character sprite is one of the biggest in the game at 55 x 76 pixels, and as such she has her hitbox cover multiple tiles to prevent visual clipping when standing next to her. Due to RPG Maker limitation, each tile of her sprite has its own dialogue box attached, giving the idea for this meta joke.[2]

