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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Roy is one of the four sons of Javis, becoming a recurring villain for the last half of the game, and an optional boss fight in Act IV, along with his brothers. He specializes in time manipulation.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: One of Javis's four 'sons' with the ability to manipulate time. He's likely the most powerful member of Javis's army thanks to this unique power, and also the most enigmatic as he's a chess piece man of few words. That being said, he seems easily distracted and fairly ambivalent towards fighting.

In battle, Roy can fast forward time, forcing the battle to play out automatically for a turn. He can also fast forward himself, allowing his abilities to be repeated upon use. Somehow he can even manipulate two party members into attacking each other with 'Sacrifice the Pawn.'

I have no real tips. Just keep a cool head and don't get overwhelmed by his abilities.

See also