Killer Ray

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Killer Ray is one of the four sons of Javis, becoming a recurring villain for the last half of the game, and an optional boss fight in Act IV, along with his brothers. He specializes in complex magic involving lasers and polarity shifts.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: One of Javis's four 'sons' with raw destructive power. He's probably the most straightforward of the four, simply wanting to be stronger than everyone else to win Javis's favor. He looks down upon basically everyone despite not being the brightest himself. In battle, Killer Ray will regularly shift the magnetic polarities of the party. As his beam attacks also have their own magnetic polarities, this changes how much damage you receive, with opposite charges meaning higher damage. Strategize around this accordingly.

See also