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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Bigby is one of the four sons of Javis, becoming a recurring minor antagonist for the last half of the game, and an optional boss fight in Act IV, along with his brothers. He uses weather and elemental spells to create havoc.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: One of Javis's four 'sons' with the ability to manipulate the weather. He's outwardly the most friendly of the group, eager to experience life now that he's been granted one by his 'father,' but he's still figuring out things like emotions.

In battle, Bigby will repeatedly change the weather to one of four states. Normal weather is the default. Sunny weather will strengthen fire while weakening ice and healing. Rain will strengthen electricity and healing, but weaken fire. And snow will strengthen ice and weaken fire.



  • The fact that his head is a balloon and he focuses on weather spells is probably a pun on weather balloon.

See also