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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

"There ya go! Enjoy. Ya got 15 turns until that there poison knocks ya out cold. The only cure is to beat me. Have fun! He he he..."


Clintson is one of the four sons of Javis, becoming a recurring minor antagonist for the last half of the game, and an optional boss fight in Act IV, along with his brothers. His specialty is poison and debufs.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: One of Javis's four 'sons' with the power of decay. Clintson is, for some reason, a cowboy, and a smartass one at that. He's the most laid-back of the group, mostly Just liking to sit back and tease both his enemies and his brothers. In battle, Clintson gives a strict time limit of 15 turns before his signature poison, 'Aura of Decay,' instantly knocks the whole party out. Find ways to keep your damage output high to win this race - everything else Clintson does is just to slow you down.


  • His name is most likely a reference to actor Clint Eastwood, who is well known for starring in multiple popular western movies and television shows.
  • He implies he created the Unhelpful Jelly monster when talking to him during the Glitchridge invasion.

See also