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This page is for the npc. You may be looking for the enemy, Minor Shadow.

" *meow* " -Shadow

Shadow is Melody's pet cat. He hangs around her house, usually near his food bowl and scratching post. He was added to the game in patch v1.1.

Picture of Melody and Shadow


  • At first Melody was planned on having a pet dog modeled after the character Naomi from Bobby's old unfinished game project Andromi[1], but the idea ended up getting cut shortly after Bobby's real life pet Chole passed away.[2] The pet bed in Melody's room (modeled after Chole's real life pet bed) had been kept in as a tribute to Chloe, with Bobby not revisiting the idea of giving Melody a pet until after the game was released.[3]
  • The original dog sprite can be found in Noel's Sanctuary after rescuing the lost critters, and if interacted with Melody will comment that the dog looks familiar.
Picture of Melody and a dog that was the original sprite used in development
The original sprite, found in Noel's Sanctuary
