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Mint is a fairy blacksmith who has set up shop at Noel's Sanctuary in the Uncanny Valley. She enjoys going out to meet new people, which gave her the idea to set up a blacksmith stall in a non-fairy settlement. She picked the sanctuary due to the many people coming through on their journeys, as well as being a hot spot for magic, something fairies are instinctualy drawn towards.

She considers herself an artist rather than a capitalist and seem to enjoy creating weapons and armor as a form of artistic expression. Noel doesn't require her pay rent for her stall either, which she seems as a plus.

She's an old friend of Jodie and will help make her a shield if the party can find her some ore. She also sells some of the strongest and most expensive armor in the game.



  • She is the only fairy you meet in the game. She explains that fairies live in small hidden villages all around the Sapphire Islands, but their buildings are too little to be able to fit outside visitors.
  • Her design was decided on via a series of Patreon polls.[1]
