Basement Dungeon

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

"Allison, don't you know what's in your own basement?" -Melody


The Basement Dungeon is a dungeon built under Allison's house by Claire as a way to train the party up for the real deal. It is built out of cardboard boxes that Allison had laying around her basement, and is mostly populated with Dust Bunnies conjured up by Claire. At the back end of the dungeon the party can enter an underground cave, which is meant as a backstage area but is considered part of the dungeon, too. This cave system also serves as an entrance to the Guardian's Vault.

After completing the dungeon, the party is forced to enter a corrupted part of the caves and find themselves within a strange anomaly for the first, but far from last, time in their adventure.

Basement & Caves




The Anomaly


