Queen Verena

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

"I've been to countless worlds in countless universes over the years. Some more memorable than others. But yours is special! No world has managed to piss me off quite as much as Reverie. I wasn't planning on coming back, but the stars have aligned for my return. So who was I to turn down a little payback?" -Verena

Queen Verena is the queen of the Verena Empire. She proclaims herself as one of the Goddesses which Claire and the others have been studying magic from and have looked up to.

It was later revealed that thousands of years ago, she came from a universe where magic was common and that she started a school to share the magic with her wife Zinnia and the mortals of Reverie.

However she was banished to the void by the goddesses for teaching her magic because the mortals referred to her as a goddess, Angering. She believed that her wife was killed when she was banished and so she comes back for revenge by teaming up with Javis who was another banished soul from a different world.



While Verena's past before she began traveling to other worlds is unknown. it can be presumed that she once had her own planet, but for reasons unknown, Verena would lose access to it, and be stuck in the endless expanse of space. In the void, for an untold amount of time, Verena would wander, teleporting from place to place in hopes of for a new place to call home.

Eventually, at what she describes as a very low point in her life, she arrived on reverie, and encountered Zinnia.

aproximately one thousand and thirteen years in the past, the two decided to open up a magic school for the people of Reverie.

Unfortunately, the gods of Reverie believed that magic should belong to them and them alone, and that no no mere mortal should wield such mystical powers. As punishment for this perceived hubris, They burned the academy down to the ground with Zinnia inside, before banishing Verena to the Void.

The world would simply assume that Verena, now known to the world as Fortuna, had suddenly disappeared without a trace. Even so, despite the gods attempting to prevent magic from spreading, it was too late, as through Verena's act of kindness, magic had spread across the lands, improving the lives of everyone on Reverie.

Meanwhile, stuck in the void once more, Verena would encounter Javis, who was also cast out for reasons unknown. Verena decided to take the him in, letting him become the new general of her upcoming army. For centuries, the two would plan out Verena's revenge on Reverie, with Javis trying to build an empire during all of it.

Eventually, a signal was sent out from Reverie. A young witch named Claire Higsby was using Verena's magic for her own gain, signaling that Reverie's magic was not fully erased as the gods had led her to believe. Queen Verena, now primed and willing to take over, sent out Javis in order to scope out the land and prepare an invasion.


During Javis' attack on the Sapphire Isles, he decides to head straight to Greenridge, after so by luring away a the Novas. From there, Javis had planned out an entire full-scale invasion of the place, distracting nearly everyone who could pose as a threat to his plan. Afterwards, Javis heads straight to the Guardian Tower, where he, due to his plan, was successfully able to bring Queen Verena into the world.

As the Novas make their way through the tower's basement, they arrive a little too late, as Queen Verena has arrived. Upon reaching her old home, Queen Verena makes her intentions very clear, wishing to take back her magic for all of the presumed harm it has caused her world in an attempt to remake Reverie into a better world. While Jodie, tries to pick a fight, Queen Verena brushes her and the rest of the team off, only accepting it to keep things interesting for her.

However, as Javis points out, the Verena Empire is behind schedule, so Queen Verena and company decide to let the Novas go and work up their own skills, with the empire deciding to relocate to Mt. Sappho instead of Greenridge. From there, Queen Verena orders for the strongest fighters of Reverie to be sent in one week in order to see if they can stand a chance against her before teleporting off to prepare.

Act IV

During this wait, Verena's heart isn't exactly in the whole empire idea, with her being mostly aloof and deciding to take a nap instead of actually preparing. During this nap, she dreams of when she first arrived in Reverie and her first meeting with Zinnia before being interrupted by Paula Cassidy, who tells of her defeat and how the Novas decided to heal her instead of anything else. With little left to do, Verena decides to check up on things when she comes across Javis. Verena, starting to feel conflicted on the whole empire business, tries to reason with Javis, only for the sentient VHS to brush off her concerns.

Verena, still conflicted, decides to travel around Reverie to see how things have changed. However, this quick trip opens up old wounds after she visits the remains of her magic school. Verena starts to have a traumatic breakdown as she remembers everything that happened so long ago. Javis, hot on Verena's trail, appears before her, and tries to comfort her in a way that would align with his own goals of allowing Reverie's destruction. Verena, heeding Javis' words, heads back to her base to prepare for the upcoming fight.

Act V

However, as it turns out, the Novas had come up with a different plan. Instead of fighting over the fate of the world through combat, they figured that they could use a diplomatic approach and get Verena's idea of what had happened 1,000 years ago so all parties could come to an understanding. While Javis tries to stall them out for time in fear of Verena actually listening to them, even hosting an entire game show with the intent of making the team argue and look bad, the team ultimately prevailed, reaching Verena at the summit. The alleged goddess reveals her tale, how she was not an actual god and was cast out of Reverie for her act of kindness towards the land's people. Despite the Novas trying to get a conversation, there is still a deal to be made, and so the guild gives their all against the superpowered superhuman.

After a long battle, the Novas, and the continued existence of Reverie, stands victorious. Verena, impressed with it all, decides to patch the party up and hear out what they have to say. The team explain that despite a few hiccups, Verena's magic has been beneficial over the years in ways unheard of by her, and that the people could potentially work to a better future. Realizing this, as well as how both of her main soldiers are out for purely selfish reasons rather than anything else, Verena gives up. She starts remembering why she first gave her magic so long ago, and gives up on the empire.

Things start going over smoothly until Melody offhandedly mentions that the Novas had met up with Zinnia, who Verena had presumed to be dead for over a thousand years. She asks Javis about this, only for it to be revealed that he lied just to get Verena in the whole "take over the world" plan. Verena, feeling betrayed by the fact that Javis had lied about the status of her wife, immediately halts all plans and decides to recollect her thoughts in her pocket dimension before going any further and cleaning up the mess she caused.

After a brief moment of usurpation by Javis, Verena returns to the land only to find Melody and Allison's bodies beginning fail due to their excess mana. Verena, not wanting anyone to die, takes the two to her house in a pocket dimension where she heals the two of their ailments. After giving Javis a well-deserved punt across the ocean and letting his sons go free as long as they keep up their good behavior, Verena works up enough courage to reunite with her wife, Zinnia. The two discuss everything that happened, and clear up everything that happened in the thousand years they were apart. With nowhere else to go, Zinnia lets Verena live with her again. Right afterwards, the two are met with Claire, who wanted to return the spellbook that had kickstarted the entire game. Verena, having grown and seeing Claire's potential, let her keep it, with Claire instead becoming the personal protege of Verena and Zinnia. After the game ends, Verena would presumably start showing up in Greenridge every once in a while, getting up and about and slowly rebuilding a sense of connection with the world, with most of the details about her specifically kept a secret so she could integrate back into society and live her life in peace.

Bestiary Entry

Claire's Secret Notes: Okay, we've shared a lot with Mona through this bestiary, but knowing the truth about Verena and the gods is probably a bridge too far. This is for our eyes only. Sorry, Mona.

Verena is a witch from an unknown world with the power to travel between universes. Over 1,000 years ago, she came to Reverie and met Zinnia, who eventually convinced her to teach the mortals of Reverie how to use magic.

When mortals began referring to her as the 'Goddess of Magic', the gods became angry, destroying Verena and Zinnia's magic school and banishing her from Reverie. Her teachings remained, however, as did the misremembered legend of 'Fortuna.'

In the present day, I found Verena's old spellbook from her time on Reverie. Using some of her spells caught her attention, which set in motion Javis and Verena's plan to undo her banishment, defeat Reverie's gods, and avenge Zinnia.

In battle, Verena's magic was a sight to behold. She has several powerful multi-element attacks, the ability to Blink to avoid damage, and a Mana Boost that affects the entire battlefield. But even with all that, I have a feeling she was still going easy on us...



  • Verena is the only character who comments on the novas kissing in battle, being very confused by their behavior.
  • Verena is the only character not part of the novas that is playable, albeit it very briefly.
  • Verena is a cyborg.
  • Alongside Javis, Verena originated from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fangame Super Lesbian Horse RPG, albeit having been changed drastically from her original counterpart. While the original Queen Verena was much more ruthless and simply wanted to take over because she was the only one in her family to have not taken over a world, this Verena is much more tragic who ultimately redeems herself in the end.
  • According to the save point available to her, Verena is level 99, over three times the maximum that is possible in normal gameplay.
  • Similar to Javis, her dress also resembles the colors of the pansexual flag.