Malcontent Mummy

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

Malcontent Mummy is an enemy type found in the Celestial Wastelands. She appears as a mummy wearing a pink hoodie and black leggings, holding a large knife. Her knife bears a strong resemblance to a scimitar, a curved blade which originated in the middle east. As well as melee attacks she will use the Sick Burn ability to inflict burn on party members.

It's later revealed that the Malcontent Mummy is a resident of Mumford named Nef, who previously attacked your party out in the wild due to a misunderstanding. This also confirms its the same character you fight every time you encounter this enemy.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: This mummy has a real pain-in-the-ass attitude. Kind of reminds me of someone...

Anyway, she can attack with her dagger and also apply burns. But while she can dish it out, she apparently can't take it, as she's weak to fire. Not ice, though, as the hoodie seems to give her cold resistance.