Abominable Automaton

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

The Abominable Automaton is a boss found at the southern edge of the Celestial Wasteland, during the search for Jodie in Act II, and needs to be defeated before the party can enter the town of Mumford. It is a fearsome enemy that's able to throw rocks at the party and deal significant physical damage.

After being defeated, Jodie will show up and reboot her, restoring her original programming and revealing her to actually be a friendly robot by the name of Glyph.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: Glyph is a friendly industrial robot native to the Wasteland. Her bubbly personality wasn't immediately apparent, though, as she had been reprogrammed by Javis's forces to hunt down intruders in the desert. Glyph's built like a tank, with high defense and physical strength to match. Be sure to smash any boulders she grabs before you get flattened. Unlike other robots, Glyph resists electric damage, but she's still weak to ice and water.

Jodie's Notes: Don't go using these strategies against her now that she's back to normal! Glyph's nice.