A Wizard

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Attention: Spoilers!!!
This article contains spoilers of important plot details in SLARPG.

A Wizard is a mini boss found in The Crypt. After the party tries to get past a CAPTCHA, the computer they use will glitch out and spawn the wizard. However, it is simply a hologram, and as such only has 1 HP and no ability to attack, making it the easiest fight in the game.

Bestiary Description

Mona's Notes: This is not a monster. This is a hologram.

Allison's Notes: And we kicked that hologram's BUTT.


  • The sprite for A Wizard is a stock image of a wizard with added holographic effects.[1]
  • It is most likely a joke referencing a software wizard, which is a program that helps the user set up and fix things on their computer.[2]
  • Some think that it resembles Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, and the location you fight it could possibly be a reference to the "you shall not pass" scene in Fellowship of the Ring.
