Pepper's Machinations (Quest)/Transcript

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Talk to Pepper at Leone Magic

Character Dialouge
Happymel.png Hi Pepper! We saw your request on the notice board.
Pepperhappy.png Ah, excellent! You'll be perfect for the job.
Pepperhappy.png There's something I want in the Amber Woods.

Getting it is the first step on my path to total

world domination.

Happymel.png Uh huh.
Pepperhappy.png I'd get it myself, but I'm, uh... not allowed in the

park after what happened last time.

NeutralAllison.png How do you know we can find this thing in the park?
Pepperhappy.png I have my sources.
Pepperhappy.png I can't tell you what the thing is, but you'll know it

when you see it.

Pepperhappy.png Oh, and it's in a locked chest. You'll need this key.
Got Pepperkey.pngPepper's Key!
Happymel.png Uh... well, okay I guess! We'll keep an eye out for

this item of ultimate power while we're in the

Amber Woods.

Pepperhappy.png Thank you! You'll be rewarded handsomely, and I'll

also be sure to give you special privileges when I rule

the world.

"Pepper's Machinations" has been updated in the Quest Log.

Retrieve the item of great power from the Amber Woods

Character Dialouge
Happymel.png This must be the chest Pepper told us to look for!
Found a Knife.pngKnife!
Neutralmel.png Oh... is this really what Pepper wanted us to get?
NeutralAllison.png Hmm...
NeutralAllison.png On the one hand, as adventurers we're honor-bound

to complete our missions to the best of our abilities.

TwitchingAllison.png On the other hand... is it really a good idea to

give an 8-year-old a knife?

Happyclaire.png No, but Pepper already spends all day obsessing

over dark magicks and hanging out with her

ex-supervillain grandpa.

TwitchingAllison.png How does that make it any better?
Happyclaire.png I'm saying she's already harmless with way scarier

tools at her disposal. She'll probably just carve her

initials into stuff.

Happyclaire.png But if you still think it's too dangerous, we can always

hand the knife over to her mom instead. Maybe

Catherine will give us a reward.

NeutralAllison.png When you put it like that... would I rather keep a child

out of trouble, or be a snitch?

Smugmel.png It's a tough call.
"Pepper's Machinations" has been updated in the Quest Log.

Ending 1: Give Pepper the knife

Character Dialogue
Happymel.png Well Pepper, here's the thing you asked for.
Pepperhappy.png Wait, really?
Gave Pepper the Knife.pngKnife.
NeutralAllison.png What exactly do you plan on doing with a knife?
Pepperhappy.png Uh...
Pepperhappy.png You know, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I kinda

didn't think you'd give it to me.

Pepperhappy.png Wow... the raw power...
TwitchingAllison.png You know it's just a regular knife, right?
Happyclaire.png Come on, didn't you say this would help you take over

the world? Let's hear your evil scheme.

Pepperhappy.png Well, my power is already quite fearsome, so having

this will really push me over the edge in the

fearsomeness department.

Happymel.png Just promise to be careful with this, okay?

Owning this is a big responsibility.

Pepperhappy.png Yes, I promise!
Pepperhappy.png And here's your reward!

Ending 2: Rat Pepper out

Character Dialouge
Neutralmel.png Sorry to bug you, Ms. Leone, but we thought you'd

like to know that Pepper asked us to get her this.

Gave Catherine the Knife.pngKnife.
Catherineneutral.png Really? A knife, huh. That's a new one.
Catherineneutral.png Is this true, Pepper?
Pepperhappy.png Curses! Foiled again.
Catherineneutral.png Thanks for telling me, Melody. I try to keep her

out of trouble, but Pep's crafty. Takes after

her grandpa.

Pepperhappy.png Thank you. I AM quite fearsome.
Pepperhappy.png And that knife would have pushed my fearsomeness

over the edge if I hadn't been betrayed!

Catherineneutral.png There are plenty of other ways to be fearsome that

don't involve playing with sharp objects.

Pepperhappy.png True! There are lots of blunt weapons, too.
Catherineneutral.png Not what I meant, but... a step in the right direction,

I guess.

Catherineneutral.png And Pepper, you should still give these nice folks

their reward for taking the time to run this errand.

Pepperhappy.png Fine, fine. Here's your reward.