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Chronomancer, or Time for short, is a spellbook allowing the wearer to cast a multitude of time-based spells. It can be bought from most spellbook vendors after having reached Mumford during Act II.


Booktimemage.pngSlow-Mo - 10 MP

Drastically reduces an enemy's speed and evasion rate. Also makes it slightly easier to dodge their attacks.

Booktimemage.pngSpeed Up - 20 MP

Triples one ally's agility and allows them to perform normal attacks twice per turn.

Booktimemage.pngTime Heals Some Wounds - 30 MP

Heals all allies for 15% of their HP every turn for four turns.

Booktimemage.pngPayback Time - 20%Star1.png

Arcane attack that turns the tide of battle. Deals more damage at lower HP. Never misses.